
Dear media partners,
representatives of media! 


Welcome to the website of the international exhibition FlowersExspo. Dates of the year 2024 are September 10-12. Location Russia, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pav. 1


Accreditation of the representative of the media is carried out on the basis of the application, certified by the seal and signature of the head, or personal identification.


Issuance of personal badges, press-collections is carried out at the registration desk at the entrance to the exhibition when an application for accreditation or a business certificate of a press media representative is presented.


Thank you for your attention and coverage of the exhibition "FlowersExpo'2024".

Send your reports, publications, videos and other informational materials in electronic form to our email address.

Our contacts
E-mail: /
Fax: + 7 (495) 983 06 77
Tel .: +7 495 221 12 51/8 915 185 79 03


Application for accreditation at “FlowersExpo’2024
