In Figures
In Figures

Exhibition in Figures


Exhibition area - 10 000 sq.m.

Number of participants - 302, including 165 Russian and 137 international participants. 


Number of visitors – 9 700 from 66 regions of Russia,   85% were representatives of business and professionals.  


Geography of visitors (by Russian regions):

83% - Central regions, 6% - North-Eastern regions, 4 % - Southern regions,

3% - the Urals, 3% - Siberia, 1% - Far East.


Geography of visitors (by countries):

89% - Russia, 6 % - CIS countries, 4% - Europe, 1 % - America.


Visitors interest in the presented products

Cut flowers and pot plants – 47%

Nursery products – 36%

Seeds – 26%

Landscaping, landscape design – 17%

Machinery, technological equipment – 21%

Floristic – 45%.